
Become a Member of Blackburn Bird Club today!

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Free entry to all 7 indoor meetings (Oct-April)

    Enjoy photographic presentations given by a range of excellent speakers at Feniscowles Methodist Church, each with high quality photographic images. Presentations cover a variety of bird orientated topics including birds of Lancashire, Britain and the World.

  • Free entry for every field walk (Oct-May)

    Learn new skills in bird identification from our experienced walk leaders on our Field Walks to a wide range of local birdwatching sites. Walks occur at least once a month during the season, sometimes with multiple in the same month.

Kingfisher by Carol Brown.

I joined the club in April of this year (2017) and would like to say what a friendly bunch of people they are. I enjoy watching birds but had little knowledge of wetland birds or anything outside of the garden, I was also a little apprehensive going on my first field trip due to my lack of knowledge. I really had no need to worry, what a great day I had, everyone was so helpful and the day was enjoyable and very interesting. I have since been on a few more and have enjoyed them just as much, I am now looking forward to the field trips starting again in October. I would encourage anyone who has an interest in birds to come along and see what the club has to offer. Carol Brown (member).

  • Learn about birds and other wildlife

    Learn tips and tricks on bird identification from experienced birdwatchers on our Field Walks and at our Indoor Meetings. All of our friendly meetings allow learners to increase their knowledge of bird identification and birds in general.

  • Sense of community

    Be part of a community of people who also enjoy birds and other wildlife, who enjoy watching and sharing knowledge about birds.

Redshank in Iceland by Brian Taylor.

I have enjoyed being a member of Blackburn Bird Club 26 yrs. We have had speakers covering areas worldwide and locally, both just as interesting. Field trips give us a first hand view of our local birds, and weekends away lots of exciting events into the bird world. The atmosphere at the Club is convivial and friendly, new members soon made to feel welcome. The interval cup of tea gives us a chance to chat and share our common interest, browse the book and video stall or buy bird food. Members kept up to date on our website. Jennifer Dean (member).

  • Keep up to date with Bird Club events

    Never miss an event, receive a programme through the post every year detailing what events are on.

  • Get great bird photographs

    It's possible to see lots of different species of birds on our Field Walks, and there are lots of photographic opportunities. Join other keen photographers.

  • Take part in our Garden Birdwatch

    Every January members record the birds in their gardens over the last weekend of January, the results are analysed for our area.

Members on a walk at Marshside in February 2024, to see wading and water birds displaced by the very high tide, by Jonathan Fry.

One of my favourite clubs to visit, I always enjoy this really friendly group, for anyone local you should definitely go along to say hello at one of the meetings to enjoy the talks about birds, birding, nature and more, or go on the fieldtrips with the group, hopefully see you down there. Dennis Atherton (speaker).

How much is membership?

  • £10 per year Adult

  • £18 per year Family (2 adults and 2 children, including grandparents and grandchildren)

  • £5 per year Under 18

Give our meetings a try

  • Non Members are welcome at our Indoor meetings with a £2 admission, which is refundable upon joining on the night.

  • Non Members are also welcome to try one of our Field walks, but only for the first time, after which we require membership.

How to become a member?

  • Come along to one of our Indoor meetings and join.

  • , click the button to download a membership form and post it off to the address provided or bring it with you to an indoor or field meeting.

Great Spotted Woodpecker and chick by Jonathan Fry.

Further Testimonials

I have been a member of the Club for around 18 years now, since I was 15, through this time I learnt so much I know about birds from senior members of the Club that taught me about birds on field meetings and at indoor meetings. I heard expert speakers speak about birds which allowed me to learn further. I would recommend this Club to anybody wanting to learn about birds, it developed my appreciation and knowledge of birds no end! As a result I now lead a number of field walks each year and am the Chairman of the Club. Jonathan Fry (member).

Its been a pleasure to come over at intervals and give our wildlife shows to the members - we always get a smashing welcome - the audience is always involved and commentating on the places and things they recognise in our presentations - its so good when an audience joins in and everyone must like my Lancashire humour cos I always raise a laugh or two at some of the funnier episodes in the shows!! So yes a great club of good people doing some great things for birding and each other - I'm looking forward to our next visit on the 8th January 2018 when we will be presenting 'A Shot at Wildlife - Images 2012' ... hoping to see the old faces there and some new ones too perhaps? Keep up the good work BBC! Pauline Mellor-Greenhalgh (speaker).

We have been members of the Club for about three years and find it very welcoming and sociable. At the monthly indoor meetings there are speakers and photographic shows which are always interesting and entertaining. The Field Trips take us to a variety of locations throughout the region and the trip leaders are very knowledgeable. As a result we always manage to see a large variety of birds. We have been on many of the trips and have always enjoyed the experience and learned a lot from the trip leaders. Philip & Margaret Sayles (members).

What attraction appealed to me when I became a member of the Club mid 1990’s? The answer was a lifelong love affair and appreciation of the great outdoors. From childhood my late dear father each Saturday took me on long, lovely walks – from home around Billinge Woods, Yellow Hills and Darwen Moor etc. The seed was sown to venture into fell walking in the Bowland area, Lake District etc. The observation of many birds on my walks completed the scene. The Club offered practical learning from outdoor interests and enjoyment from interesting presentations of amazing photography in the British Isles and other world destinations. Field meetings cover a variety of habitats and the leaders offer learning skills for bird watching. In times past I have enjoyed two bird weekends, one to Anglesey in 2001 when we saw egrets and Shore Lark on the beach. The Club offers great fellowship and opportunities to people who share a common interest in birds. I have formed many friendships over the years. Anne MacDonald (member).